Wednesday, September 22, 2010

58 days of fun!

So far, Minion's been here for 67 days. 9 of those were in the hospital. So, that means I've mixed up his formula 58 times.
Step 1: Buy a huge five gallon bucket of Mare's Match. Try to remove plastic band holding down the lid, using a knife, screwdriver, swear words and teeth. Sigh and give up, calling the man to do it. Try to look appreciative when lid is removed.
Step 2: Put 2 quarts of clean, filtered well water into a pan. Look at it as though it's filled with cooties, and then boil the heck out of it, just to be sure. Add more water since you've just boiled off some of it. Boil it some more. Repeat.
Step 3: After water finally has a chance to cool down to 110-120 degrees (I prefer 118) add 2 level scoops of Mare's Match powder, making sure to spill it all over the glass top stove so it turns to burnt on syrup.
Step 4: Try to mix it up with a fork or serving spoon. Give up after sloshing it everywhere and drive to the Dollar Store using $5 in gas to get a $1 whisk. Only the best for Minion.
Step 5: Pour formula into Tupperware container and try to close lid. Sigh again after spilling more all over the counter, floor and side of the fridge.
Step 6: Feed Minion 6 times a day. Repeat steps 1-6 58 more times. Wait - now it's 59...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! "Only the best for Minion!"

    He's so lucky to have you. Wish I could have seen you trying to open that mix!
